Independent review for Raintree Lodge in the Suva Hills of Viti Levu in Fiji

Raintree Lodge Fiji is an eco retreat set adjacent to the Colo-i-Suva Forest Park just 15 minutes drive from downtown Suva. With dorm lodges and private wooden bungalows overlooking a lake, plus an excellent restaurant, Raintree Lodge is a good base for nature lovers looking to spend some time in and around Suva.
Recommended For:
- Singles, Couples & Groups
- Peaceful Rainforest Setting
- Forest Walks / Exploring The Interior
Quick Facts
- 19 Rooms + Dorm
- Town Rural - 10 mins drive to Suva City
- Restaurant & Bar

Fiji Islands Map

Suva Map
All pictures of Raintree Lodge Fiji Islands are the copyright of Beautiful Holidays
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