Independent review for Good Samaritan Inn in the Kingdom of Tonga

Good Samaritan Inn Tonga showing picture of Tongatapu beach

Good Samaritan Inn is an ageing small resort on a coral sand beach along ther south west coast of Tongatapu. With huts and bungalows with an untidy appearance, The Good Samaritan Inn is best visited for one of its Island Feast nights.

map of tongatapu tonga islands
map showing lopcation of good samaritan inn tonga
Tongatapu Island

Information for Good Samaritan Inn

Fly to Fua'amotu International Airport (Tongatapu)
Tongatapu Airport to Resort = 40mins by mini bus / car
Total Bungalows: 8
Resort Restaurant ; Bar
Beachfront ; Swimming Lagoon

The Beach & Lagoon

Part coral sand beach on west side of Tongatapu - lagoon not great for swimming as too many sharp coral heads.